As a partner, you become the hands and feet of Christ enabling everything the Army of Youth Ministries does. We invite you to join our family—an army of workers, determined, loving people, laboring to share Christ and help people all around the world!

Thousands are going to Christless graves every day, and you can do something about it!
Champions of Youth
Who are Champions of Youth? - You Are!
When you become a Champion of Youth partner with your regular gift each month, you are joining an evangelism family that is making a nonstop difference in individual lives every day.
Your Impact
How will your partnership impact the lives of countless young people?
Your gifts as a Champions of Youth partner have a personal yet exponential impact—enabling the Army of Youth to reliably respond to unexpected evangelistic opportunities and making it possible to consistently reach countless globally through truth-filled digital broadcasts, online courses, websites, literature and to train Gospel Soldiers to share the love of Christ.

Reveal Jesus to the Unreached Youth

Youth all around the world are awakening to the gospel, and many are meeting Jesus through our evangelistic videos. 
We create relevant and engaging content reaching thousands of people on Facebook alone!

Make Disciples

Countless young people watch our publications, but one of the greatest burdens on our hearts is to develop leaders who can take up the work of spreading the gospel wherever they are.

Equip Spiritual Leaders

Our mission is to inspire and rightly train an army of youth to dedicate their lives to Christ's service. To help finish the work of redemption before the soon coming of Jesus.
We do this through our unique digital training curricula, live workshops, daily video mentoring, and other exclusive success resources.
Your contributions help us train the trainers, influence the influencers, and lead the leaders of thousands.

Special Gifts for Champions!
As a small token of our gratitude for you becoming a Champions of Youth partner, we’ll offer you unique spiritual resources that will help you grow in your walk with Christ and make it easier to share God’s loving message with those around you.

Annual Partnership Event

Online Community

Access to Online Content Archives

Champions of Youth Partners Help Lay the
Evangelistic Foundation of the Army of Youth
“The foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones”
(Revelation 21:19)

Just as gemstones form the foundation of the New Jerusalem, your faithful monthly gifts lay the financial foundation that enables the Army of Youth to boldly and consistently broadcast the truth of God’s Word to the whole world.

Champion Foundation Level

Your Monthly Gift of...

...Will share gospel truth with approximately




Red Beryl




$500 or more







38,634+ people each year

18,969 people each year

13,199 people each year

7,685 people each year

4,135 people each year

2,215 people each year

1,354 people each year

The heavenly city rests on layers of the world’s hardest stones, providing both beauty and strength to carry the weight of the buildings and the gates of pearl. We believe that many will enter those gates because of your commitment as a Champion of Youth partner!


Within seven to ten days after we receive your first monthly gift, you’ll receive an email or letter with information about how to access your special welcome gifts, valuable downloads, and store discounts, available only to our Champions of Youth partners.

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